Dr Brandson's Blog

Be inspired by founder Dr Peter Brandson's thoughts and opinions, shedding light on the bigger picture of bank corruption and how it damages people's lives.

Taxpayers' Money No More To Loafers & Drug Users

Malcolm Turnbull seems keen to stop drug users receiving taxpayer money. A great idea - the rorts must be stopped. Cashless cards given to all chemically impaired recipients of taxpayer funds is the fair way to go ..... as long as it applies to all recipients of taxpayers' funds.

Politicians Ignore The Australian Constitution To Maintain Power

The Australian Parliament has become an unworkable joke. Our Constitution has been disrespected and ignored. The politicians must face the consequences of their actions. We deserve far better from Mr Turnbull. He must close the Parliament down until the High Court sorts out this fiasco.

Bankers Don't Want You To See This .... So take a good look

A Republic must not weaken the protections we have against the authoritarian tendencies of government. Most people would opt for the status quo unless ironclad guarantees are in place to save what is good in the current system and add needed reforms that will enhance and improve our freedoms, rights and democracy. Section 51 contains powerful tools that allow us to control money. Don't let politicians kill off our ability to use them.

CBA Involved With Criminals - Inside & Outside of the Bank 

CBA has been exposed by AUSTRAC. Caught out assisting terrorists and drug traffickers moving money around the world. CEO Ian Narev's position is now untenable

Time to rid Parliament of the Members for Banks

Many Senators and Members of Parliament are sitting illegally. This means the laws they have passed are invalid. If managed properly we should be able to see political manipulation that has undermined our sovereignty reversed. The illegitimate politicians could be forced to repay all monies they and their offices have been paid.

Right now the elite are revolting. Soon it will be the "peasants."

Recently the elite have been gathering in various places around the world. A few tid bits of their thoughts have reached the mainstream media. BRN lists some points showing how the actions of the elite and the politicians they control are working against the interests of the people they are supposed to be serving.

Develop powerful thought patterns & behaviours

Many of us have been badly damaged directly by bank malpractice and many more don't even know how badly they are being harmed. For banks and their lawyers it is not enough to steal hard earned assets. They must destroy clients financially and emotionally to limit the capacity to fight back. If we can heal ourselves and each other we can take the villains on effectively. It's all in the mind. Here we present some wonderful resources and tips to help strengthen our minds and improve our mindset. This works - it is simple but not easy. We have to commit to practicing what we learn on a daily basis. You can heal and you can become an effective force in the battle ahead.

GDP is rubbish. Time to update.

Have you noticed how much mental illness, drug & alcohol abuse, domestic violence and other societal ills exist in "wealthy" countries? There is a lot of unhappiness. Maybe the way we measure wealth and well being needs to be updated. BRN's CEO throws some ideas into the ring and wants some help developing them.

Freedom & justice are not begged for ... they're taken.

Most of us are being exploited one way or another. The laws that suppress and control us don't seem to apply to the elite. The government and legal system serves the elite and deliberately works against our interests. Part of the solution is to see our fundamental rights and responsibilities re-established, cherished and respected .... but first we have to recognise the paper chains that bind us while leaving the elite free to do as they please .... at our expense.

The parasite class has now bitten off more than it can chew. Let the fightback begin.

Our society has an unhealthy attraction to "growth." All too often this growth is achieved by exploiting honest people that have worked all their lives to produce valued goods and services. The banking and finance system in particular has a very sordid track record of deception, misconduct and rip offs. Crime and corruption permeates our law, politics and economy. Time to clean it up - or you could be the next to be chewed up and spat out.


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From Extend RC Parliament Event
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Should bank CEOs and loan officers face asset seizures and jail terms for criminal banking practices?

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