Bank Victims Stories Parliament Event

Bank Victims Horror Stories Banking Royal Commission Australia

Extend Banking Royal Commission - Parliament House Canberra 14th August 2018

Bank and Financial Services Victims showed up in force at a Meeting in Canberra ACT, organised by Leon Ashby, at Senator Fraser Anning's request. The aim was for invited Members of Parliament, Senators and the media to hear directly from bank victims of their experiences.

35 Bank Victim's Horror Stories were heard and the Series is being released throughout September / early October, stay tuned as more pages are added to this section.

Bank Horror Stories Exposed At Parliament House

Extend Royal Commission Meeting Opens

Bank victims, supporters and concerned citizens want to see bank crimes punished and victims of bank misconduct compensated. This will not happen unless the Banking and Financial Services Royal Commission is extended to allow more time, more cases to be heard and more powers than currently exist in the Terms of Reference.

Politicians from all parties were invited by bank warriors to the Extend The Royal Commission forum at Parliament House, Canberra on 14.08.18. The campaign has continued to roll out and gain momentum since then with the help of Leon Ashby and dedicated Bank Warriors working together. Get Behind the Campaign.

Senator Anning Exted Banking Royal Commission Parliament

Thomas Brookes - Victim of ANZ

ANZ CEO Shayne Elliott finally admits documents they used in a court were "altered" (nice soft bank description for forgery) and gives an unreserved apology for 20 years of unconscionable misconduct. But then does not give any further explanation, or offer proper financial compensation and instead offers a small token gesture "goodwill payment." 

Requests to the ANZ Customer Advocate (case manager) Colin Neave for an explanation as to what is now going on, have been refused.

Bank Victim's Stories Australia RC

Thomas Patrick Hayes - Victim of Westpac

In the past bankers liked to present themselves as respectable businessmen. This case shows that there is an underbelly in banking that much more resembles an organised crime operation.

Any citizen who manages to work hard and excel will find that their savings and assets will be an attractive target for criminals without the ability or intellect to legitimately earn such such fruits with their own labour.

Westpac did the wrong thing by the Hayes family ..... and the bank leadership knows it. Time for remediation.

Thomas Patrick Hayes Westpac Bank Victim Stories

Colin Uebergang - Victim of Westpac

How low can a bank go? Setting up a farmer to strip the family of everything? How about framing the farmer so that he is jailed?

Bankers have behaved in ways that most people would not believe. Deliberately increasing debts to bankrupt clients so as to limit their ability to fight for justice. Manipulating the legal system. Exploiting their powers and contacts in politics and the judiciary.

Colin Uebergang has seen it all. Westpac was not a model litigant. Westpac did the wrong thing by this family ..... and the bank knows it. Time for remediation.

Colin Uebergang - Bank Victim - Westpac

Craig Perry - Victim of CBA

Aussie farmers are among the best in the world. Tough and resilient - up to a point! What do farmers need from their bank? A fair go. Farmers are running a business that needs appropriate funding. The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) appears not to understand that some seasons are good and some are bad.

A reputable bank will not bleed a farmer dry when seasons and markets are tough.
Craig Perry is a 5th Generation Australian farmer from near Wycheproof in Victoria. He would have no trouble servicing his loans if the bank was not so keen and determined to screw him for every buck they can get out of his business and family.

CBA - Bully Bank to Australian Farmers

Carolyn Thomson - Victim of ANZ (Money Laundering)

Money laundering is not just a CBA specialty. The Royal Commission should investigate the other banks regarding breaches of the Anti Money Laundering Act.

Carolyn Thomson has crystal clear evidence that her bank, ANZ, has breached the Act. Why are none of the agencies doing anything about it? This is not acceptable and shows criminal activity is baked into banking. It is systemic and systematic. Anything goes when there is a buck to be squeezed out of a customer.

ANZ Breach of Anti Money Laundering Act

John Kovar - Victim of La Trobe Financial

John's story shows how La Trobe Financial turned his home ownership to homelessness. It is a sad tale of non-bank home loan fraud, crippling fees and theft. John currently lives in a $150 caravan he managed to get at the tip while the home stolen from him is now valued at around 1.6 million.

There needs to be thorough investigation by an extended RC with the power to set in place recommendations for the compensation of individual bank victims and access to affordable and meaningful justice.

John Kovar Non-Bank Loan Victim - La Trobe Financial

Brad Campbell - Victim of Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC)

Surely our Australian veterans deserve better than to be treated like second-class citizens by their own Government run superannuation fund?

Yes, the Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation - (CSC) needs to be investigated by an extended and more powerful banking and financial sector Royal Commission. Currently, CSC is excluded from being investigated because it is a Commonwealth Identity - protected by the Clayton's RC TOR.

 Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation CSC Ripping Off Veterans

Michelle Matheson - Victim of RHG Mortgage Corporation

The crippling effects of Michelle's 11 years long battle with RHG Mortgage Corporation (formerly RAMS / Westpac) would be more than the average person could bear. Mortgage fraud, bullying and breaches of civil and criminal law are just some of the tactics this 2nd tier lender have used to conceal their concurrent wrongdoing.

RHG has remained under the radar of the scrutiny of the banking Royal Commission and ASIC the Australian regulatory body have refused to investigate them. The longterm affects - mental illness, loss of career, loss of family well-being, significant and serious physical illness. 11 years have been stolen from this family.

Michelle Matheson Bank Victims Horror Storiies

Part 2 Michelle Matheson - Illegal Eviction Process Begins

Michelle is a strong woman who has been fighting the banks for 11 years. Not just for her case and family, but she is a staunch advocate for other bank victims and the cause that seeks to see the banking and financial services sector in Australia cleaned up. Michelle wants and deserves Justice and compensation.

A new twist in the saga with RHG Mortgage Corporation's corrupt behaviour and proven fraud is the commencement of illegal repossession process while the matter is with the Ombudsman.

Michelle Matheson - Illegal Eviction Process Begins

Goran Latinovich - Victim of Westpac

A story of unbelievable bank audacity & misconduct toward their customer. Westpac denies everything and hangs Goran out to dry without a penny after being defrauded of 1.2 million dollars. The manner of fraud committed clearly implies the swindle could only have happened with bank insider assistance.

The outcome of this fraud cost Goran & his family in excess of $20 million, their construction project, homes, income and everything they owned. The Banksters wave their "Get Out of Jail FREE" card and laugh all the way home.

Goran Latinovich Lost Everything Westpac Fraud

Lewis Tomcsanyi - Victim of NAB

The Bank Wants The Farm! Lewis' case demonstrates unlawful conduct by NAB, flaws in the justice system and anomalies in the mortgage market.

Lewis went to jail for ten months for attempting to protect his property with the only option left to him - by a justice system that has failed. If we don't want to see anarchy we must stop bank bullying and asset stripping of farmers.

Lewis Tomcsanyi Bank Victims Stories

Part 2 Lewis Tomcsanyi - Arrest For Trespass

The Bank Really Wants The Farm!  NAB have relentlessly denied misconduct and blame. Shortly after Lewis spoke up at the Extend the Banking Royal Commission event in Canberra he was arrested for trespass on his own farm. This video shows the arrest as Lewis stands his ground and defends his property in West Australia.

Are the vultures gathering? Lewis is not alone! For details, documentation and full story please refer to Bank Victims Horror Stories section Case 3).

Arrested For Trespass On Own Farm

Craig Caulfield - Victim of CBA

CBA's treatment of Craig Caulfield is shocking. Craig has all the proof needed to show the bank's misconduct, fraud, forgery and collusion with valuers. Despite all this, the bank denies wrongdoing and Craig's nine-year battle for Justice has had a devastating impact on his life.

Craig is not alone, about 50% of bank victims report high rates of Mental Health issues, including severe depression and suicidal thoughts. The Australian banking and finance system must be held accountable by an extended Royal Commission.

Bank Victims Horror Stories Craig Caulfield CBA

Sheril Morris - Victim of La Trobe Financial

Sometimes people can get behind in their payments when life's misfortunes strike. A decent financial company will help sort out the problem. La Trobe Financial did not help Sheril. The company used every trick in the book to take advantage of her.

How is it that a government and its regulators can allow a company to operate like a mafia racket? Sheril has dealt with a nightmare scenario. How long before she is compensated?

Sheril Morris Bank Victim Stories

Bank Victims Horror Stories

From Extend RC Parliament Event
>> See ALL Horror Stories List

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ANZ CEO Shayne Elliott finally admits documents they used...
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How low can a bank go? Setting up a farmer to strip the...

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