Sign Bank Reform Now's petition for an extension to the Banking Royal Commission.
TO: The Honourable Kenneth Hayne (Royal Commissioner investigating Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services Industry), Ministers of the Federal Executive Council and Sir Peter Cosgrove (Governor General of Australia).

"We call upon you to extend the time-frame and terms of reference of the Banking Royal Commission. We demand full exposure of financial system misconduct and reforms that will see criminals punished and victims compensated appropriately."
Why Add YOUR Voice?
Banking is an integral part of everyone's life. Australians all depend on a fair and accessible banking system. A criminal finance sector affects each of us regardless of how much money we may have in the bank.
Public revelations, investigative journalism and the Royal Commission to date have identified bankers involved in; fraud, forgery, money laundering, rate rigging, drug trafficking, dealing with terrorism funds, superannuation rip-offs, financial planning abuses, and insurance scandals. Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg.
Bankers prefer us in debt, our children in debt and our governments in debt. This affects everyone`s quality of life - cost of living pressure, mortgage stress and a sub-optimal retirement. We need meaningful reforms now.
Rather than providing a relatively simple service of utility to the people and country, the banks - with government blessing - are putting profits and power ahead of the country's interests.
Commissioner Hayne has the option to ask for more powers and time. We need to make our voices heard to help him make that decision.
The Turnbull Government refused to initiate a Banking Royal Commission until the banks authorised their preferred limited inquiry. The aim appeared to be a short inquiry to be done and dusted before the next election.
If you want a fair banking system, sign our petition to Extend the Banking Royal Commission now.
Commissioner Hayne along with three or more independent Commissioners must fully expose the crimes and dysfunction plaguing the finance system before he can recommend meaningful reforms that will change the culture and give all Australians a fair go.