Email Or Visit Your Local Federal MP & Senator

Bring awareness of bank corruption to the forefront in your local area. Arrange to meet your local Federal MP and Senator. Usually it is best to email first, ring to follow up and then request an appointment in person to speak to your member. Sometimes only a phone call or email will be possible - it all helps get issues with banking on the agenda. You can easily find your local political representative via the link below - just type in your postcode and make contact. EVENT ANNOUNCEMENT: On Monday November 21 you can help send a powerful message to the government directly at Parliament House Canberra or from the electorate office of your local Federal Member of Parliament #TTTRally details are Here >>>
If all of you contact politicians they will not be able to ignore our call for change. If the government forces banks to operate honestly everyone will be better off.
Action Type: 
Contact The Government

Bank Victims Horror Stories

From Extend RC Parliament Event
>> See ALL Horror Stories List

Bank victims, supporters and concerned citizens want to see...
ANZ CEO Shayne Elliott finally admits documents they used...
In the past bankers liked to present themselves as...
How low can a bank go? Setting up a farmer to strip the...

Recent News & Articles

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Need Support?

Financial Help
Tips & Resources to help you avoid or manage financial difficulty...

>> read more 

Emotional Help
Financial stress is a major factor in depression and anxiety, if you are suffering you can get help...

>> read more 


Should bank CEOs and loan officers face asset seizures and jail terms for criminal banking practices?

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