Election 2022 - Stop the machines
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Both major parties serve elite interests ..... and always will. This election is the most important ever because it might just be our last chance to stop politicians and their party machines turning Australia into a dystopian, cashless, authoritarian, technocratic, totalitarian police/surveillance state. Are you sick of the games, lies and systemic corruption that infests two party politics here and in other nations?
Politicians who are stuck in the old ways of – vote buying – tax & spend sleight of hand manipulations – phony policies & promises – corrupt deal making with corporate donors – us versus them divisive politics – are just tinkering around the edges. Real reform requires bold, innovative and new thinking.
Before you vote for any politician check if they support the BRN policy prescription.
The ALP and LNP will be lucky to get more than a 25% primary vote this year. Take care and make sure the independents and minor party candidates you support are fair dinkum. Here is what you'll likely want them to commit to.
The Attack of the Party Machines
Election 2022 might be our last chance to bring in critical policies that lock in a fair go and essential rights & freedoms. It might also be out last chance to make housing affordable again. As usual we advocate voting for independents and minor parties but we have to choose carefully. The candidates must oppose key policies of the New World Order /Great Reset crew. Those policies are designed to make you and your families serfs. Perpetually forced to rent your existence on the planet. They want you to rent almost every good and service that you need to live ..... and we're not just referring to a roof over your family's heads. Note: the links below expand on some of these concepts.
The BRN Policy Prescription
1. A sovereign Wealth Fund -
This sets up an investment pool or wealth fund consisting of resources and assets that serve the nation’s citizens. Australia's wealth is its minerals, water and land - its resources and people. All of which has been sold off cheaply, exploited and destroyed in various ways. Step 1 also brings back home to the people the ill-gotten wealth that has been stolen from them over many years - ie it repatriates the Common Wealth. In other words - #DefundTheElite..!!
2. A Sovereign Monetary System -
This removes the ability of the private banking cartel to create money and credit via the debt based system that currently is siphoning the wealth of nations. It is time to reintroduce a National Bank - perhaps starting with an Australian Postal Savings Bank. This is a critical structure required for a Sovereign Monetary system to function properly.
Powerful European and American banking interests have colluded with corrupt and often stupid politicians to set up a criminal finance system. Banking as we know it is organised crime on a grand scale. It is a counterfeiting operation that has seen the value of money slashed while keeping much of the world in poverty and many people in many countries working in debt servitude. Many are in effect wage slaves.
3. A Citizenship Dividend -
The components of which are: a basic income (BI); a citizenship participation payment (CPP - which will organically lead to a “job guarantee”); and a civilised society dividend (CSD). On top of this people will still be free to earn an income by providing valued goods and services to people near and far. This is by open and honest trade .... not phony manipulative “free” trade deals. Small business will have the paper chains that bind them removed. Power groups take advantage of outlandish laws and obligations to facilitate the fleecing of people trying to build a better life and community.
Without the first two components – any other type of “basic income” is unworkable. There is no point taxing workers more heavily, imposing harsh austerity measures to cut back government spending or increasing government debt to the private banking cartel in order to "afford" a regular and equal payment to everyone.
The above three points are detailed in the Stand-Unite-Make It Right (SUMIR) articles linked below - the key issue to remember - the elite are fleecing you. They want you in debt, your children in debt and your country in debt. The SUMIR program stops it. It helps get rid of soul destroying bullshit jobs while dividing real jobs in such a way that most people could have a better standard of living. Without the theft of people’s time and wealth they will be able to look after their needs with possibly half the paid work they are currently engaged in. This frees up people’s time and ends the rat race which exploits most people. See if your election 2022 candidates support these policies.
4. Compensation for the victims of the Sterling First scandal -
The ALP has recently made clear that they will not compensate the victims of this financial scam. Why should the ALP or indeed the LNP spent $18 million to pay compensation to these elderly victims that are on the verge of being made homeless? Because it was the government's corporate regulator ASIC that facilitated the operation and failed in its duties. And here is the kicker - if these victims don't get compensation ..... no-one will..!!! The major parties don't want to set a precedent, regardless of how much these victims suffer, that would apply to the thousands of other victims of ASIC, and force them to reform Australia's regulatory system. This is exactly what Australia needs, and the Sterling First case can be the catalyst. Candidates must support compensation to Sterling First victims.
5. No Bank Bail-In -
Government and bank stupidity, incompetence and treachery are responsible for the finance system chaos we currently face. The asset bubbles in the property and share markets are time bombs about to blow. You should not be responsible for bailing out the banks with tax dollars or bailing them in with your savings/deposits. The major parties both want banks to be able to steal your money to prop up the corrupt system. This is the essence of Predatory Capitalism - the system that prefers generating wealth for elites in crooked ways rather than by the efficient and voluntary exchange of goods, services & labour. Candidates must make sure that Bail-In is not an option.
Bonus points if they also look at reintroducing Glass-Steagall type banking laws - the repeal of which in the USA by Bill Clinton was a major factor setting the scene for the Global Financial Crisis. The aim is to separate ordinary commercial savings bank functions - of use to most families - from the risky and often dodgy investment banking which the big banks use to line their own pockets.
6. Housing Affordability -
Prices are going to drop regardless - they have only gone up and stayed up because the government has deliberately pumped them up with flawed & dangerous policies ...... and it can't do that forever. A price drop of 40 - 50% would be the correction we have to have - see the Housing Affordability article below for more information. For this election we want candidates to commit to a simple policy - which has been used by a number of countries for many years. Aussie housing is for Aussies - foreign purchase of houses and units must stop. For Australian homes already owned by foreigners - if the property is empty they will have to pay a tax of 10% its value each year.
Yes - we understand that many people don't want the value of their property to decrease. It is important to remember that if yours goes down so does everyone else's. So you sell in a bad market and you buy in the same market ie you still have a home. The problem of course is if you have a mortgage, trusted the banks, trusted the government and thought that the asset pumping policies could go on indefinitely. We have previously discussed how the hit to mortgage holders can be reduced by sharing the pain ... with bankers and politicians.
Irresponsible and excessive bank lending - as well as greed & stupidity - have fueled this unsustainable property market. The Banking Act still contains the provision that allows the RBA to order the banks to reduce their lending that has led to an imbalance – ie a bubble – which Chifley put in the law. For some unknown reason the RBA just hasn't used it - they seem to have missed the boat on this. In a "correction" the RBA could support the banks to write down their balances on their mortgage loans, to match the new values.
7. The War On Cash -
Candidates must support a cash based economy and oppose a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The article below - $100 notes under attack explains the issues. A CBDC is the end of freedom and privacy. It will enable negative interest rates and the ability to manipulate your spending and finances. For example you could have limitations placed on what goods and services you are allowed to purchase. If you say something "wrong" you could be locked out of the system completely with no access to your savings.
8. Federal ICAC -
Scott Morrison promised one at the last election. He proposed a Mickey Mouse one but even that has not been delivered. Independent member for Indi - Helen Haines has put up a Bill with teeth. Candidates must support this Bill - see link below.
9. Bill of Digital Rights -
The internet was created and funded initially by money stolen from American taxpayers by the US Government … specifically the defence establishment. As such we can consider the internet a public good or utility owned by the people of America. Being a generous nation the Americans have practically gifted this marvel of technology to the world. It enables people from around the world to freely interact with each other in many ways.
As the Internet is a public utility, no single entity or grouping of powerful entities can exploit the resource in order to use it as a weapon of exploitation, control or surveillance. Powerful entities should be prohibited from using their position to monopolise the internet to create super-profits by harming and limiting competitors.
The internet can host various communication platforms. The people allow tech companies such as Google, Facebook and Twitter to place their platforms onto the internet. Of course it would be quite reasonable for platforms of that size to be paying rent to the owners of the internet. Rent is far easier to collect than taxes but that’s a discussion for later.
The Digital Bargain – To use our internet the platforms owners must respect the people’s rights.
Number one - is freedom of speech. A platform cannot eject or refuse access to any person just because they disagree with someone’s political or social views. The internet is a conduit of communication. ISPs and Social Media platforms are not publishers of information and data. Think of phone lines. Would it be OK for a phone company to stop people communicating on their network just because they didn’t agree with the communication or approve of the communicator?
There are many critical issues in this topic - including Surveillance, Biometric Data, Facial Recognition, Digital ID, Social Credit Score, App Attack eg phone apps that breach your fundamental rights to exploit you and your data, government transparency, Encryption, Net Neutrality, Data collection & usage, Privacy, Digital Money, Democracy.
Remember - Just because it can be done doesn’t mean it should be done.
Candidates must support a Digital Bill of Rights that brings control back to individuals regarding how they interact with big tech.
10. Stop the War Machine -
The elite fleece you via debt, inflation, taxes and various market manipulations. Apart from getting your country into impossible / unsustainable debt which transfers your life's work to the bankers - governments also love to transfer your money to the arms industry. See the two articles below for more. War is big business. The profits and corruption in the industry are mind boggling. Peace is good for you and your family .... not so good for the masters of war. Candidates must push for worldwide co-operation in disarmament and peaceful coexistence. The competition between nations should be based on what brings the best way of life to the citizens.
11. Bill of Rights & Responsibilities -
if a candidate opposes these fundamental concepts ..... better still .... any candidate that does not cherish and commit to seeing these protected and enshrined should be given the flick..!!! Also see link below for pdf version which can be used to sound out a candidate's views.
The Preamble
Human rights are necessary for individuals to live lives of dignity and value. Respecting, protecting and promoting the rights of individuals improves the welfare of the whole community. Having these rights detailed here makes it easier for them to be respected in the development and interpretation of legislation.
We the People of Australia believe that a shared set of fundamental values or core beliefs – our rights and responsibilities – gives all citizens the best opportunity to live their lives freely and fearlessly. We aspire to be a peaceful people with tolerance and understanding of all people regardless of cultural, ethnic and social differences – we welcome all to live work and play here, provided that visitors and new citizens also adopt and cherish our inalienable rights and responsibilities.
For this to be so we pledge to use and enjoy our fundamental rights mindful that we do not have the right to infringe upon or diminish those same rights enjoyed by others.
These rights are sacrosanct, equal and inalienable to each and every citizen of Australia. Also, the enumeration of certain rights in our Bill Of Rights and Responsibilities shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
In order to enjoy the 15 fundamental Rights we hereby accept the following Responsibilities –
a) We commit to avoid initiating the use of force, fraud and coercion in our interactions with each other. Citizens retain the right to protect themselves and their families.
b) We accept that the government's power comes from the People and that we are ultimately responsible for the use of this power. Therefore, it is up to us to define the government's role and place appropriate limits on its power by exercising our democratic vote.
c) To the best of our abilities we accept responsibility for our life, actions and behaviour.
d) We, the adults of Australia, commit to do our best to raise our children in a safe, healthy and happy home. We also pledge to give them an education designed to teach the values and the life skills needed to prosper in freedom - one that is untainted by political indoctrination or under-education.
We also understand that much of the troubles between people - and indeed nations - stems from unresolved trauma and wounds from our earliest relationships. While these troubles often begin behind closed doors the effects spill over into our day to day lives. Many of us are thus unable to function as mature adults. We must all take the quest to be the best we can be as one of our most important endeavours because nobody can do this for us.
e) We accept that there is a need to care for our environment and live in a sustainable fashion. To the best of our ability we commit to avoid polluting our soil, air and waters. We also encourage our trading partners to do the same so that their people can enjoy safe air and water. We also believe that nations must retain full control of their natural resources and ideally in a democratic way share the environmental costs and tangible benefits of the use of these resources.
f) To advocate the concept of a minimum sustainable income for all.
We also commit to corporate law that makes corporate directors and CEOs accountable to their shareholders, workers and customers. We can only prosper in freedom if all stakeholders get a fair go.
g) To develop and maintain a stable monetary system with a clearly defined limit on the growth of the total stock of money. We do not accept corporate or government manipulation of the money supply to steal the people's wealth or increase the government's power.
Our Constitutional Bill of Rights
There are fifteen core rights that are essential to protect citizens from abuses. These rights can help us achieve a better society provided the key responsibilities listed in the Preamble are also respected and used as the basis of our legal system.
Our Rights -
1. The Right to Life
2. The Right to Liberty
3. The Right to Own Property
4. Freedom of Thought, Belief and Speech (and other forms of Expressing our ideas and beliefs).
5. Freedom of Assembly
6. Freedom from Arbitrary Rule
7. Freedom from Unjust Taxation
8. The Right to Maintain Privacy
9. The Right to Remain Silent
10. The Right to petition the Government for a redress of grievances
11. A strict separation of the Judiciary, Religious Institutions and the Government
12. Freedom from Unwarranted Search, Seizure and Arrest
13. The Presumption of Innocence until proven Guilty by due Legal Process
14. The Right to a prompt, public trial by an impartial Jury of your peers
15. Habeas Corpus
12. A Bank Funded Remediation Program -
for victims of bank crimes and misconduct. Proper funding does not have a cap. As mentioned above both major parties and their bank bosses do not want any precedent set. That is why we must set a precedent with compensation paid to the Sterling First / ASIC victims.
13. Bankers must be held to account -
Candidates must support legislation that ensures bankers involved in crimes are stripped of their assets and face jail terms where appropriate.
14. Access to justice -
Candidates must support properly funded access to justice for all citizens involved in a legal dispute with a corporation or government.
BRN Advisory Board member Michael Sanderson has put together a great package showing how this would apply to victims of finance sector misconduct >> see right HERE
This could be made to work for others involved in a dispute with corporate pirates.
The point is if a company knew their clients had access to the same legal firepower they have they would set up their operation to avoid screwing their customers.
15. Political Donation Reform –
Individuals can only donate up to a maximum of $1,000 to one party of their choice. No foreign donations. No corporate (or similar entities) donations. All donations collated and listed in real time by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC).
If politicians and parties have restrictions placed on their advertising campaigns then they won't be so desperate to find - "sponsors," "benefactors," slush buddies etc.
Politicians should serve the people's interests .... not the interests of their donors..!!
16. Political Advertising Reform –
Every candidate that runs for election should have a web page hosted on the AEC website. On that page there can be a video explaining their policies and some related information. The parties and candidates do not run ads at all. The AEC runs ads in print, radio, TV and web portals giving the link to the site where the information can be found. Voters can visit the site to find out what the candidates stand for and offer.
After the 2019 election taxpayers handed out nearly $70 million to cover advertising expenses for the big four political parties. This is a racket. They force you to vote and then they get money for that vote. The system is rigged so that just about all the money goes to the big parties. Parties have to get over 4% of the primary vote to get paid.
This BRN proposed system would save the bulk of this money. And of course .... the best thing you can do is put the big four - Liberal - National - ALP - Greens - last on your ballot paper. Defund the lot of them!!
Further resources below including a Checklist summary of the above policies. Ask your candidates to tick the policies that they support. No ticks .... No votes..!!
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© Bank Reform Now™ - Australian Non Profit Organsiation - campaigning to put a stop to predatory, unconscionable banking practices.
Disclaimer: Comedy, parody and satire will be used across all media platforms during this campaign.
Any similarity to legitimate businesses is coincidental. Corrupt business on the other hand will be treated with all due respect.