The Last Emperor - King Charles lll
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The passing of a much loved leader brings a great opportunity for reform and rejuvenation for Australia and other nations with a longstanding relationship with the United Kingdom. In this hard hitting article we spill the beans on the Age of Empire. It is time for the people to snatch back their power, freedom and rights before the globalists impose their long planned for cashless authoritarian surveillance state. Are you going to wait until they mandate microchip injections or social credit scores that limit how you spend your time and money before you demand change?
Time's Up For The Monarchy
First – condolences once more to the Brits who may still be mourning the death of their Queen. She clearly was a remarkable woman who was committed to her duty and did make sacrifices to fulfil her role.
Now that she has passed and been mourned appropriately it is time to discuss the future.
It appears there are two types of people in the world. Those that want to live in freedom and those that prefer to be ruled. Let’s say free men & women versus subjects or perhaps serfs.
Those that prefer being ruled clearly require a ruler to feel most comfortable and secure. Fortunately for those people there are rulers in the world who are more than happy to preside over a State that will monitor, control and fleece the willing subjects.
The primary duty of the monarch is to maintain the monarchy. In other words the crucial role is to preserve the wealth & power of the British Crown and the Royal Family.
There is a massive business involved in assisting the monarch continue this dynasty and its number one task. Governments of the United Kingdom (as well as those of other Commonwealth nations) as well as their secretive intelligence services, the media, various religious powers and the financial system all play a critical role.
Special mention should be made of the military arm of the Empire – the United States of America. Much is made of the decline of the British Empire. It is not true. The Empire’s form and way of doing business has simply changed with the times. Now-a-days the Royal Family can’t do much if a colony wants independence via new Constitutional arrangements – such as becoming a Republic. What it can do is keep them in the Commonwealth. The nation’s leaders are bought off in some manner. The nation’s people are sold bread & circuses and perhaps some benefits with Commonwealth membership and participation but the Crown tries to retain as much of its holdings as possible from within the newly “independent” Republic. The Crown long ago realised that the brutality of the past cannot guarantee longevity of power and wealth.
The Crown and Royal Family have untold assets
The tip of the iceberg has recently been reported. The true figures are orders of magnitude higher – probably hundreds of billions (if not trillions) of dollars in land, businesses, properties, shareholdings and other investments such as livestock, bullion, art, jewellery. Of course these assets are not just held in the United Kingdom. Assets are held in other regions where the monarchy reigns plus in nations that have broken away to become republics while remaining in the Commonwealth.
For example – “The Firm” owns 6.6 billion acres of land worldwide, including Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Canada, and Australia (approximately 23% of Australia is Crown land). They also own 25,000 acres of forest and all the gold mines in Scotland.
Some of the other wealth held by The Firm –
The Crown Estate includes world-famous possessions such as Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, the Crown Jewels and the Royal Collection. It's a collection of lands and holdings that make up one of the main sources of income for the royal family. These include shopping centres, retail areas and buildings. The Crown Estate also includes virtually all of the United Kingdom's seabed.
The Duchy of Lancaster is a private collection of property, land and investments which dates back to 1265. It holds 18,433 hectares of land, urban developments, historic buildings and commercial properties across England and Wales, including the Savoy Estate in London. It includes blocks of property in central London and ten castles, as well as farmland, homes, quarries and even golf courses. The Queen was not required to pay tax on the income, but she has contributed a voluntary amount since 1993 (there is a very good reason for this. Generous gestures of this nature can neuter opposition and keep the subjects on side).
The Duchy of Cornwall - established in 1337 - is made up of 53,000 hectares of land in 23 counties. Spreading across the south-west of England, the Duchy comprises rich farmlands, residential, commercial and holiday properties, plus forests, rivers, quarries, and coastline. It even includes The Oval, home of the Surrey County Cricket Club. The Duchy generates millions of dollars a year in rental income.
The vast amount of wealth changing hands between the royals right now will be tax-free and of course no corporate taxes are paid on earnings from the Royal assets. The system is specifically structured to preserve and keep private & hidden the true wealth of The Firm. Other UK families and businesses pay a vast array of taxes, fees, levies, charges and duties including – income, corporate and inheritance taxes. Taxes are for subjects.
There are other differences between subjects and rulers: the Queen didn’t need a drivers license or passport. Free men and woman do not need to be licensed, registered and taxed in an exploitative manner by rulers and governments. The Royal Family and their agents see citizens as livestock. Really - the ruled are just considered another asset to be managed and exploited.
People may look at the vast wealth of the Crown and Royal Family with great wonder. In reality the path to great wealth of this nature traditionally involves theft and slavery .... and very often brutality. It is quite easy to become a strong wealthy nation if you profit from slavery. The Transatlantic slave trade was run by the British from 1562 to the 1830s. This turbocharged the growth of the British and American economies. Despite "the end of slavery" it appears there are more slaves in the world right now than at any other time in history.
The Crown’s wealth has been built up over centuries of exploitation of subjects and resources from all corners of the world.
Now to be fair – many people believe that the monarchy does give a significant benefit to the citizens of the UK. Having an independent, incorruptible, wealthy, hereditary monarch is supposed to protect the people’s rights and freedoms. If that job was done properly then perhaps it could be justified to see so much wealth and power in Royal hands. Politicians can be bought off but a wealthy monarch cannot be bribed to do something that is not in the people's interests - but that assumes the monarch is actually protecting the people's interests.
The push towards a cashless authoritarian surveillance state has been accelerating right around the world particularly in the key nations that supposedly inherited rights and freedoms post colonisation from the Crown – Australia, New Zealand, Canada, America and even the component regions of the United Kingdom. The International Monetary Fund has published many papers pushing for the end of cash. This will enable the imposition of negative interest rates and facilitates Bail-In (the ability of banks to confiscate your savings). In addition, a programmable Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is the death of freedom and privacy. It sets the scene for a Digital Prison by enabling governments to limit, control and monitor the way citizens spend & control their own money [see article linked below $100 Notes Under Attack for more information].
Has anyone seen Prince – now King - Charles oppose the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) plans? In fact Charles is a defender of and participant in the WEF. Has Charles ever supported the Magna Carta let alone stood up for critical freedoms and rights for his subjects? What about standing up against the upper echelon bankers or the key shareholders in the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and their goals?
To maintain this wealth the Royals must be perceived as useful, caring and friendly by the people. The establishment very well knows that if the people wise up and become dissatisfied the jig will be up. King Charles is not like his mother - he will not be able to keep the monarchy in the high regard required for very long.
Maybe one day when Charles is touring Scotland and he has his bed and other essentials trucked up at public expense there might be some sort of a slip up. He might be feeling sad and cold because his favourite cashmere blanket was left behind. Perhaps it’s a freezing cold Scottish night. There might be some people protesting because they can’t afford the gas or electricity to heat their homes. Charles blurts out – “Every stinking time .......... Let them burn wood!” – while he’s eating his favourite cake.
So what happens when the monarchy ends not just in the remaining realms but in the United Kingdom itself?
Basically each nation must make sure that the Constitutional changes that are made lead to a better position for citizens. In 1999 Australian voters rejected the politicians' Republic because it would have given more power to the political class at the expense of freedom, rights and safeguards for the people.
Most people will want to live in civilised freedom in a country where core fundamental rights and responsibilities are cherished, respected and celebrated; a country where corruption is not tolerated in politics, business and finance. It’s not that hard. It has not happened up to now because the rulers and their minions handsomely profit from abuses of power all the time. Click HERE for a pdf listing the core rights & responsibilities.
Next the wealth of the Crown, Royal family and their associated entities is repatriated to the people of each affected nation. This can be considered reparations and compensation in large part.
In Australia it means that all Crown and Royal Family holdings of Australian land, properties, businesses, shares is repatriated to an Australian Sovereign wealth fund.
All other affected nations would do the same thus ending the monarchy. In Britain the people might be happy to allow Charles and Camilla to keep one of the Kensington home units they currently own. Perhaps they could be given a license to roll down the street in a horse drawn cart once a year and wave at the crowds on Republic Day ........... or maybe Freedom Day.
There is a problem that needs to be addressed. It is important to realise that the monarch was happy to preserve much Crown land as wild. It is quite conceivable that corrupt politicians could sell off repatriated pristine forests and coastal properties. How can this be managed? Nations need to come to terms with the major problems associated with the current irrational and unsustainable perpetual economic growth model.
Without the rulers and their henchman in politics fleecing the population most people will be able to enjoy the same or better standard of living with half the time involved in paid labour. This means that there won’t be a need to squeeze every drop of profit from every scrap of land and every person in the country. We can live in perhaps a form of steady state capitalism (as opposed to the current crony or corporate capitalism model). This is much more likely in a society that does not tolerate people and businesses initiating the use of force, fraud or coercion in their dealings with each other. Corruption in business and politics must be tackled in a meaningful way. The role of governments and regulators (in Australia those such as ASIC, APRA and AFCA) must operate to keep markets open and honest. Laws must be well constructed and properly enforced. Politicians and business executives who engage in illegal activities must face serious consequences - loss of ill-gotten assets; jail where appropriate; and the compensation of those they have harmed.
The Future
The way to end the Monarchy and its control is to remove its ill-gotten wealth. These are the critical reforms that will lock in peace and prosperity for the now free people - not just in the UK but right through the Commonwealth -
Step 1 - The Sovereign Wealth Fund
This sets up an investment pool or wealth fund consisting of resources and assets that serve the nation’s citizens. Australia's wealth is its minerals, water and land - its resources and people. All of which has been sold off cheaply, exploited and destroyed in various ways. As discussed above - Step 1 brings back home to the people the wealth that has been stolen from them over many years by powerful interest groups - ie it repatriates the Common Wealth.
What else would contribute to the Sovereign Wealth fund? How about a fair payment for the country's resources that the people allow various corporations to develop? A nation's resources are the nation's resources and the people should get a reasonable cut. BRN would like to see Australian owned companies involved in resource discovery and processing. However, regardless what companies are involved the contracts must be fair to Australians. BRN proposes that companies involved do not have to pay any taxes. However, they will be required to pay a Resource Access & Development Levy which equates to 20% of the extracted resource. Thus 20% of the oil, ore, gas goes into the wealth fund. Australians get the benefit of their supplies being supplied at a discount. It's their resources and they set the terms of the contracts involved in their extraction.
Step 2 - A Sovereign Monetary System
This removes the ability of the private banking cartel to create money and credit via the debt-based system that currently is siphoning the wealth of nations. It is time to reintroduce a National Bank - perhaps starting with a National Australia Post Savings Bank which will force much needed competition onto the private banks. This is a critical structure required for the Sovereign Monetary system to function properly.
Powerful European and American banking interests have colluded with corrupt and often stupid politicians to set up a criminal finance system. In 1913 The US Federal Reserve was put in place. At the same time the Income Tax was introduced. The people were to be taxed to pay interest on the debts conjured up by the banksters. Banking as we know it is organised crime on a grand scale. It is a counterfeiting operation that has seen the value of money slashed while keeping much of the world in poverty and many people in many countries working in debt servitude or as wage slaves. The rulers want you in debt, your children in debt and your country in debt ..... forever....!! Credit creation must be treated as a national resource - perhaps a low profit utility where the profits are retained by the people. Right now we should consider changing the way banks are licensed and allowed to operate.
These reforms would see the abolition of punitive taxation polices. For example - Australia is one of the wealthiest countries in the world. With only 25 million people we should have it all – cheap energy, world class health and education, top class roads – all with minimal need for taxation. Why is it a struggle to achieve our true potential? We’re being robbed by the “rules based international order” imposed by our rulers.
Step 3 - A Citizenship Dividend
The components of which are: a basic income (BI); a citizenship participation payment (CPP); and a civilised society dividend (CSD). On top of this people will still be free to earn an income by providing valued goods and services to people near and far. This is by fair, open and honest trade - not manipulative “free trade" agreements. Small businesses will have the paper chains that bind them removed so that they can prosper and employ more people. Power groups take advantage of outlandish laws and obligations to facilitate the fleecing of people trying to build a better life and community.
The BI is not a full time weekly income. It is just a buffer which is paid regardless of the recipients assets, income and employment status.
The CPP will be an equal payment to all people who contribute in some productive way to the country and their fellow citizens. Thus people would get that payment if they are in paid private employment. People would also get it if they spend time in publicly arranged and paid (up to now often traditionally unpaid) activities of use and import such as: doing voluntary work, charitable work, young child rearing, caring for people with difficulties such as the elderly or disabled, research, studying and teaching. This equates to a "job guarantee."
The CSD is the access people have to public services that enhance all our lives and are funded by the community such as education, clean water supply, sewage, high quality roads and other infrastructure. It also includes favorable terms access to Australia's resources as found in the Sovereign Wealth Fund.
Without the first two components - a Sovereign Wealth Fund and Monetary System – any other type of “basic income” is unworkable. There is no point taxing workers more heavily, imposing harsh austerity measures to cut back government spending or increasing government debt to the private banking cartel in order to "afford" a regular and equal payment to everyone. This will only happen when people Stand - Unite - to Make It Right (SUMIR - see link below).
Step 4 - A Bill of fundamental rights and responsibilities - (link above) along with the ability for citizens to initiate a referendum or recall (pdf with details HERE). Also to move with the times we must have a Digital Bill of Rights (more about that in the It's Time link below).
Step 5 - Ending the battle of Empires enables the war machine to be shut down. War is big business. The profits and corruption in the industry are mind boggling. The Russia/Ukraine war has led to massive increases in arms industry profits - particularly in the USA. It has even caused a spike in profits of around $50 Billion to Australia and its resource based companies. Peace is good for you and your family - not so good for the masters of war.
War is not compulsory. Japan's post-war constitution of 1946 included the Article 9 clause which restricted Japan from having a military force and engaging in war. All nations could do this easily if world bodies such as the United Nations were looking after the people rather than Empire.
It really is just a matter of making designing, manufacturing, using and investing in weapons of mass destruction a crime against humanity. If the UN and associated agencies had any intention at all of serving the interests of peace this would have been very much sorted out by now.
This is not some idealistic fantasy. During a speech to the United Nations in 1961 John F Kennedy said - “Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind.” (25.9.61 UN).
Twenty five years later the world got very close to serious peace when in a January 1986 letter to U.S. President Ronald Reagan the leader of the USSR - Mikhail Gorbachev - proposed the total destruction not just of all nuclear weapons, but of any and all new weapons that might be similarly destructive -
"No later than 1995 the third stage will start. During this stage the liquidation of all still remaining nuclear weapons is completed. By the end of 1999 no more nuclear weapons remain on Earth. A universal agreement is worked out that these weapons shall never be resurrected again."
Politicians that work against Empire and for their people can and must push for peace.
Step 6 - A fit-for-purpose judicial system – accessible to citizens from all walks of life.
Step 7 - Political Donation and Advertising Reform - Individuals Should only donate up to a maximum of $1,000 to one party of their choice. No foreign donations. No corporate (or similar entities) donations. All donations collated and listed in real time by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC). If politicians and parties have restrictions placed on their advertising campaigns then they won't be so desperate to find - "sponsors," "benefactors," slush buddies etc. Politicians should serve the people's interests .... not the interests of their donors..!!
Every candidate that runs for election should have a web page hosted on the AEC website. On that page there can be a video explaining their policies and some related information. The parties and candidates do not run ads at all. The AEC runs ads in print, radio, TV and web portals giving the link to the site where the information can be found. Voters can visit the site to find out what the candidates stand for and offer.
Taxpayers are paying over $60 million to cover advertising expenses for the big four political parties. This BRN proposed system would save the bulk of this money.
A reminder of the brutality of Empire - the Crown and Royal Family built its wealth on the suffering of millions.
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