Australia's Bill of Rights and Responsibilities

Cherish these rights ... and protect your freedom


The world is changing. People are extremely unhappy with the elite ripping them off and trampling their rights and freedoms. Populism is fine .... as long as it doesn't lead to megalomaniac or psychopathic leaders imposing authoritarian policies which could lead to a new world tyranny. The tyranny of the masses can only be held in check with societies respecting and cherishing universal fundamental rights and responsibilities. If a misguided majority wants to damage these rights. Tough luck! If the powerful elite abuse government and media to slowly steal these rights. Tough luck! These are a no go area. Off limits. And every corner of the political, legal, corporate, financial sectors better understand it.

Article Information
Dr Peter Brandson
Date First Published: 
3 Feb 2017
Posted By
Peter Brandson
Peter Brandson's picture

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