Clydesdale Duo Set For Sydney Showdown With NAB

Scots are Flying In To Talk to New CEO Ross McEwan


Our UK brother bank warriors Ian Lightbody and John Guidi are flying into Sydney for NAB's AGM on 18.12.19. Banks should have realised by now that activists are united around the country and around the world. The old delay, deny, deceive routine just doesn't work anymore. Victims of predatory banking know exactly what was done to them, how it was done, who profited from the misconduct and who is covering it up. Brave whistleblowers and gutsy journalists are assisting the path to justice and remediation.

The bank business model is flawed. What happened in the UK also happened in Australia. If the boards of these banks didn't know what was going on they were either incompetent or negligent. If they were neither they are complicit and culpable. Either way directors are in an untenable situation.

Article Information
William Turvill
The Financial Mail On Sunday - UK
Date First Published: 
7 Dec 2019
Posted By
Peter Brandson
Peter Brandson's picture

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