Villains Of Banking Must Be Brought Down

Bank Licences To Operate Now On The Line


When BRN first formed one of our first claims was that banking was "organised crime on a grand scale." This article is so perfect it is a must read. Banks really are run and organised by lawbreaking supervillains. We need powerful superheroes to bring them to justice. Apart from all the activists, whistleblowers and journalists that are doing a great job exposing crimes - the regulators have now been embarrassed into action after decades of the light touch "see no evil" approach.

Yes - a bank's licence to operate should be on the line for criminal breaches and serious misconduct. BRN's SUMIR program has called for a  Sovereign Monetary system that functions in the interests of the country and its people. Other countries of the world will need to do the same. Australia is now positioned to set the example and do this. A National Bank is a big stepping stone. Westpac cannot afford the fines it will incur from the latest scandal.

Scott Morrison has made it clear he wants to crackdown on criminal transactions. Unfortunately his target was dead wrong. Ordinary citizens are the target of his Cash Ban Bill. How dare Morrison and his government force us to be at the  mercy of these criminal organisations! The real targets should be the bankers and other white collar criminals that snub their noses at the law .... and use electronic transactions to do it. Will Morrison use Westpac or another big bank to establish our National Bank?

Economist Richard Denniss says - "The scrutiny of the big four should not stop until their staggering, systemic breaches of the law do." We agree.

Article Information
Richard Denniss
The Guardian
Date First Published: 
21 Nov 2019
Posted By
Peter Brandson
Peter Brandson's picture

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