ALP Now Supports Extended Banking RC

Public pressure will now force Scott Morrison to extend the Banking Royal Commission


Bill Shorten has now publicly called for a turbocharged, longer and stronger Banking Royal Commission. He wants the whole crooked box and dice exposed. He wants bank victims properly heard. He didn't mention compensation, but he will.

This is good news - because now PM Scott Morrison has the opportunity to begin governing in a new way. A way not seen in Australia for a very long time. We may now see bipartisan support for policies that are demanded by the people. Over recent years the two parties have been in lockstep on issues many people were very worried about.

No-one can now say that the banks have clean hands. The RC has already shown serious misconduct. The next step is to have a proper Royal Commission, but we also want the government and opposition to prove themselves. Read on to see what they need to do next week.

Article Information
Dr P Brandson
Bank Reform Now Australia
Date First Published: 
5 Sep 2018
Posted By
Peter Brandson
Peter Brandson's picture

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