Will the Swiss vote for financial justice?
Global bank reform could be kicked off in Switzerland .... and Australia
It is slowly dawning on people that a secretive and powerful private banking cartel controlling the world's finance system just might not be in the best interests of the bulk of people living in every country on the planet. The Swiss Vollgeld initiative aims to make the financial system safer by stripping banks of the power to create money. It will in effect turn their liquid deposits into "state" or "sovereign" money. This is a critical step in the reform process. Did you know that Aussies will be given the chance to vote for a very similar proposal in 2019? It just makes no sense to have bankers exploiting powers that rightly belong to the people via their sovereign governments. This article is essential reading. #OzElection19 will give Aussies the chance to top what the Swiss are attempting. See below for how you can help.
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